What causes a mother dog to eat her puppies?

How to stop a mother dog from eating her puppies: tips from a vet

Being a mother is the most challenging job in the world as there is always a fear of hurting the little ones in your care, but this risk is even more in a position to raise puppies.

But don’t worry; there are always some ways to help your mother dog raise them even better and safer.

Let’s move to some serious questions I usually get from pet owners. Why do some mother dogs try to eat their puppies, and what causes a mother dog to do so?

About Me:

I am a 5 years professional Veterinary Degree holder from Riphah International University. I am giving all the recommendations to the best of my knowledge for your pets. 

What Causes a Mother Dog to Eat Her Puppies?

Several reasons can cause a mother dog to eat her puppies, including unhealthy puppies, Stress, Lack of experience, lack of recognition, and unintentional attempts.

This can also happen when a mother dog tries to get a response from her puppies by licking or biting, but if the puppy does not react, she considers it dead and starts eating it.

Eating puppies is not a normal behavior in dogs and should be treated as an emergency.

A mother dog can attempt to kill her puppies if they are sick or weak. This behavior is a survival trait that she inherited from her ancestors, and she will do that while living in a home environment.

An unhealthy puppy will not be able to survive for a long time, and that’s why she is killing unhealthy ones.

Here are some of the most common causes by which a mother dog can eat her puppies:

One-She may be under stress

Mother dogs may experience stress after giving birth. She may experience anxiety due to the physical demands of accouchement and the responsibility of caring for her puppies.

There can also be other factors, such as stressful birthing environments or noisy environments. Dogs experiencing stressful conditions may display aggressive and abnormal behaviors, which can harm their puppies.

Two-She is a new and inexperienced mom

Dogs are social animals that form strong bonds with their puppies. But it is not strange for an inexperienced mother dog to accidentally kill her puppies during birth.
This can happen if she does not recognize them as her own puppies. Some dog breeds, such as terriers, can eat their pups if they fail to recognize them as their own.


The most common reason behind eating puppies is that the mother dog may not have the instinctive behavior to care for her puppies. If she appears weak and cannot care for her puppies, she can also unintentionally attempt to eat them.
As Cannibalism is a rare behavior in dogs, but it can also occur in crowded places. If you see your dog acting unusually, you should immediately contact the veterinarian to ensure your pet’s health

Four-She is unable to recognize her puppies

When a mother dog gives birth, it produces some pregnancy hormones, which can lead the mother dog not to recognize her puppies. It can also be a potential cause behind eating her puppies.

Those dogs with a killing heritage may attempt to prey on their own puppies.

Mothers may have mixed feelings about their puppies during birth due to the lack of hormones produced during natural childbirth. At first, mothers may be scared of their puppies as they cannot recognize them. So, a dog needs to be experienced and sure about the safety of the environment for her puppies.


Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that can happen in many dogs. As a result of the disease, the dog may feel pain due to the sensitivity of the nipples.

Sometimes, this may cause aggression, and she refuses to accept her puppies. If you force her to stay with her puppies, she can kill them.

If you detect this disease early, you can get a guide from a nearby vet to prevent the further progression of the disease.

Milk should be fed to the puppies with bottles designed to keep the nipple clean and free from bacteria while also ensuring the puppies get enough milk.

The best way to prevent mastitis is to take care of her health by regularly checking her litter box and giving her a comfortable bed.

Creating a Safe Environment for Puppies

It’s essential to create a safe environment for newborn puppies so they can grow safely. When providing this safe space, consider the following tips:

  • Provide a crate or sizeable high-sided dog bed for puppies to nest. It provides a safe shelter that can help protect them from injury and infection
  • Ensure the space is warm and comfortable with washable blankets, dog chew toys, kongs, and rawhides for environmental variety and stimulation.
  • Offer puppies human social contact and brief periods outdoors with supervision.
  • Offer supplementary feeding if a puppy loses weight.

Talk to a veterinarian if you notice any illness or injury. They can provide appropriate care and guidance in creating a safe environment for newborn puppies.

Tips for preventing mother dog from eating her puppies

Mother dogs are often considered to be doting and protective of their offspring. It is essential to understand why a mother dog might eat her puppies so that you can intervene and prevent this from happening.

  • Exercise your dog more and ensure that she has adequate nutrition to prevent her from feeling the need to eat her puppies.
  • Make sure your dog is aware that eating her puppies is off-limits.
  • Minimize your dog’s opportunities to snack on her puppies’ feces, which can also prompt a mother dog to start feeding on her young.
  • If a mother dog refuses to stay with her puppies, you may not force her to accept them. Grow those puppies under your care.

What to do if the mother dog does eat her puppies?

If a mother dog eats her puppies, it may be due to a mistake, safety, or rejection. If such a thing happens, it is essential to monitor the mother her to ensure that she does not eat any other puppies. You can also feed her special food containing vitamins and minerals essential for the remaining puppies’ growth.

It would be best if you cleaned the litter of the puppies regularly so they do not become matted or dirty. If the litter is too large, it may be necessary to clean them individually using a gentle stream of water or a towel.

When the litter becomes too small, you should clean the mother’s poop regularly to prevent starvation.

Rejected puppies must be removed from the mother dog and given to foster parents or a new home, as this will ensure their survival.

If the puppies are stillborn, the mother dog should not be allowed to consume them.

Signs of Stress or Fear in a Mother Dog

After a mother dog has given birth, she will likely be under a lot of stress. The experience can trigger poor decisions and even cannibalism.

If you have come across a mother dog that is exhibiting signs of stress or fear, you may need to take the steps mentioned below:

  • Ensure the safety of the mother dog and the puppies by putting them in a safe place
  • Calm the mother dog with warm water or lavender oil
  • Avoid feeding the mother dog for two days after giving birth

These practices will help lessen the likelihood of an aggressive response to the puppies.

If possible, it is advisable to keep male dogs isolated from the dam and pups during this period

 Ensure that there’s enough room for the mother dog to move around freely and rest

Provide shelter, food, and water for the mother dog as it needs

Keep a constant eye on the mother dog so that it does not feel overwhelmed by the situation.

If you are unable to do all these, call a vet immediately. They can help treat the mother dog’s distress signs and ensure its safekeeping until it recovers.

What are some signs that a mother dog is eating her puppies?

A mother dog eating her puppies will exhibit signs of stress, such as a lack of recognition of the puppies as her own, ignoring their cries for help, and physically removing them from the litter.

What should I do if I find my puppy being eaten by the mother dog?

If you find your puppy being eaten by the mother dog, it is vital to remain calm and not make sudden movements or noises. The mother dog may be consuming her puppies for several reasons, such as if the puppies appear too weak, if the mother has an illness, or if there is a lack of maternal instinct.
If the pup is stillborn, the mother may consume it, as this is her way of caring for the dead puppies. Remove other babies which are looking unhealthy because she will also try to eat them.

What should I do if my mother dog ignores her puppies?

If you notice that your mother dog is ignoring her puppies, it may be because of a lack of maternal instinct. Ill pups may also prompt the mother to reject them. Ensure the puppies are healthy by getting their check-ups and vaccinations done and providing them with proper treatment.
If the mother continues to ignore the puppies, contact your veterinarian for advice on providing adequate care.

What are the possible causes of maternal aggression in dogs?

There are many possible causes of maternal aggression in dogs. Some of the most common reasons include the following:
Hormonal imbalances
Lack of maternal behavior


If your mother dog attempted to eat her puppies, then don’t pressurize her, and don’t think rudely about her because she is not doing it intentionally. Rather than shouting, you can do several things to prevent mother dogs from eating puppies. The litter must be kept warm and sheltered. It is essential to provide the mother with plenty of food, water, and rest. You must also keep the area around the litter box clean and calm.

If you notice any changes in your dog’s behavior, such as excessive licking or lack of interest in food, contact a vet as soon as possible.

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